The Committee 2012 - 2013
To contact the committee, or for general club information email hiking{at}
To check out the old commitees (where records still remain) click here to go to the archives.
Alternatively there are special pages providing rolecalls of past chairs and treasurers.
Click here for the shortcut to last year's committee.

Name: Hannah "Spanner" Lee
Tel (mob): 07808 804369
Course Studying: Amazing Geography
Vice Chairman

Name: Toby Challis
Tel (mobile): 07722 714961
Course Studying: Mechanical Engineering

Name: Nathan Jones
Tel (mobile): 07980469302
Course Studying: Biochemistry

Name: Hannah Awre
Tel (mobile): 07850132543
Course Studying: Amazing Geography
Publicity Secretary

Name: Kate Hunt
Tel (mobile): 07748434132
Course Studying: Marine Biology
Social Secretary

Name: Laura Adams
Tel (mobile):
Course Studying: Zoology

Name: Mr X
Tel (mobile):007 006 005 004 003 002 ...
Occupied with: MPY S :PY UPI V:RBRT V:PHD
First Year Rep

Name: Sam Shepherd
Course Studying: Geography
Tel (mobile):
International Rep

Name: Johanna Dotterweich
Nationality: German
Tel (mobile):
International Rep

Name: Jenny Delaissé
Nationality: Belgian
Tel (mobile):