The Committee 2013 - 2014
To contact the committee, or for general club information email hiking{at}
To check out the old commitees (where records still remain) click here to go to the archives.
Click here for the shortcut to last year's committee.

Name: Toby Challis
Tel (mob): 07722 714961
Course Studying: Mechanical Engineering
Vice Chairman

Name: Iain Bye
Tel (mobile): 07850 131185
Course Studying: PhD

Name: Tom Husøy
Tel (mobile):
Course Studying: History and Ancient History

Name: Sam Shepherd
Tel (mobile):
Course Studying: Geography

Name: Mr X
Tel (mobile):007 006 005 004 003 002 ...
Occupied with: MPY S :PY UPI V:RBRT V:PHD
International Rep

Name: Johanna Dotterweich
Nationality: German
Tel (mobile):
International Rep

Name: Jenny Delaissé
Nationality: Belgian
Tel (mobile):